Twitter Insights

Last updated: 9/3/2024, 8:35:34 PM

Profile Information

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Barack Obama


Joined 3/1/2007

Profile Analysis

An in-depth look at @BarackObama's Twitter performance and impact


Barack Obama's Twitter account is one of the most followed in the world, reflecting his enduring influence as a global leader and a prominent public figure. He uses his platform primarily to convey messages of unity, remembrance, and support for social issues. His tweets often receive significant engagement, with millions of likes and retweets, demonstrating the strong resonance his messages have with a global audience.


  • Massive follower base providing an extensive reach.
  • High engagement rates on tweets showing strong follower interaction.
  • Positive and supportive tone aligns with audience expectations.
  • Covers a wide range of socially relevant topics, increasing shareability.


  • Relatively infrequent posting may limit engagement potential.
  • Over-reliance on milestone and holiday posts which may not always engage deeply.
  • Lack of multimedia content like videos and interactive posts.

Content Analysis

Top Performing Topics

  • Inspiration and motivation
  • Social justice and activism
  • Personal and family milestones
  • Remembrances and condolences

Engagement Rates


Posting Frequency

Low (on average, a few tweets per month).

Best Posting Times

  • Midday on weekdays (around 12 PM - 2 PM EST)

Audience Insights

Demographic Estimate

Global audience with a significant concentration in the United States, likely skewing towards adults aged 25-45.

Interest Categories

Social justice and activismPolitical eventsPersonal development and inspiration

Influencer Score


Growth Recommendations

Content Strategies

Increase posting frequency with a mix of engaging multimedia and interactive content.

Frequent posting with diverse content types can help keep the audience's attention and boost interaction.

Engagement Tactics

Engage more directly with followers through Q&A sessions and live discussions.

By directly interacting with followers, Barack Obama can foster a more personal connection, further increasing engagement.

Platform Utilization

Utilize Twitter Spaces for live discussions on key issues.

Twitter Spaces can offer a platform for live, engaging conversations that enhance public discourse and maintain relevance.

Content Ideas

  • A series on leadership lessons learnt from his presidency.
  • Weekly quotes on life and motivation from historical and personal experiences.
  • Spotlights on underrepresented communities' contributions.
  • Updates on post-presidency initiatives and global impact.

Hashtag Recommendations


Latest Tweets

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Barack Obama


"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion..."

62K 1.4M 3.7M
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Barack Obama


Kobe was a legend on the court and just getting started in what would have been just as meaningful a second act. To lose Gianna is even more heartbreaking to us as parents. Michelle and I send love and prayers to Vanessa and the entire Bryant family on an unthinkable day.

14K 576K 3.4M
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Barack Obama


Congratulations to my friend, President @JoeBiden! This is your time.

18K 284K 2.4M
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Barack Obama


In every scene, you are my star, @MichelleObama! Happy birthday, baby!

37K 376K 2.3M
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Barack Obama


Happy birthday to my love, my partner, and my best friend. Every moment with you is a blessing. Love you, Miche.

35K 103K 1.6M
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Barack Obama


John McCain is an American hero & one of the bravest fighters I've ever known. Cancer doesn't know what it's up against. Give it hell, John.

24K 331K 1.6M
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Barack Obama


My statement on the death of George Floyd:

33K 429K 1.6M
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Barack Obama


Like the Beatles said: It’s getting better all the time. Thanks, babe, for 27 amazing years!

23K 196K 1.6M
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Barack Obama


ME: Joe, about halfway through the speech, I’m gonna wish you a happy birth-- BIDEN: IT’S MY BIRTHDAY! ME: Joe. Happy birthday to @JoeBiden, my brother and the best vice president anybody could have.

20K 418K 1.5M
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Barack Obama



64K 297K 1.5M
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Barack Obama


Hi everybody! Back to the original handle. Is this thing still on? Michelle and I are off on a quick vacation, then we’ll get back to work.

58K 369K 1.4M
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Barack Obama


Michelle & I are praying for the victims in Las Vegas. Our thoughts are with their families & everyone enduring another senseless tragedy.

18K 312K 1.3M
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Barack Obama


Young people have helped lead all our great movements. How inspiring to see it again in so many smart, fearless students standing up for their right to be safe; marching and organizing to remake the world as it should be. We've been waiting for you. And we've got your backs.

26K 362K 1.3M
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Barack Obama


Congratulations to my friends, @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris — our next President and Vice President of the United States.

21K 168K 1.3M
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Barack Obama


Michelle and I are thinking of the victims and their families in Barcelona. Americans will always stand with our Spanish friends. Un abrazo.

21K 259K 1.2M
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Barack Obama


"People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love..."

17K 391K 1.2M
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Barack Obama


Michelle and I are so inspired by all the young people who made today’s marches happen. Keep at it. You’re leading us forward. Nothing can stand in the way of millions of voices calling for change.

21K 258K 1.2M
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Barack Obama


Happy Valentine’s Day, @MichelleObama. You make every day and every place better.

20K 201K 1.2M
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Barack Obama


Happy anniversary, sweetheart! @MichelleObama, you're brilliant, kind, funny, and beautiful—and I'm lucky to call you mine.

40K 70K 1.2M61M
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Barack Obama


Thinking about our neighbors in Mexico and all our Mexican-American friends tonight. Cuidense mucho y un fuerte abrazo para todos.

19K 363K 1.1M
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Barack Obama


On behalf of the Obama family, Merry Christmas! We wish you joy and peace this holiday season.

37K 207K 1.1M
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Barack Obama


I knew it way back then and I’m absolutely convinced of it today — you’re one of a kind, @MichelleObama. Happy Birthday!

27K 161K 1.1M
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Barack Obama


Dr. King was 26 when the Montgomery bus boycott began. He started small, rallying others who believed their efforts mattered, pressing on through challenges and doubts to change our world for the better. A permanent inspiration for the rest of us to keep pushing towards justice.

24K 296K 1.1M
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Barack Obama


Have fun out there among the stars.

6.4K 213K 1.1M
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Barack Obama


"...For love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite." - Nelson Mandela

15K 322K 1.1M
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Barack Obama


From the Obama family to yours, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving full of joy and gratitude.

28K 177K 1.1M
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Barack Obama


We remember everyone we lost on 9/11 and honor all who defend our country and our ideals. No act of terror will ever change who we are.

12K 268K 1M
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Barack Obama


Of all that I've done in my life, I'm most proud to be Sasha and Malia's dad. To all those lucky enough to be a dad, Happy Father's Day!

19K 205K 1M
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Barack Obama


We are grieving with Parkland. But we are not powerless. Caring for our kids is our first job. And until we can honestly say that we're doing enough to keep them safe from harm, including long overdue, common-sense gun safety laws that most Americans want, then we have to change.

25K 304K 1M
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Barack Obama


Michelle and I are delighted to congratulate Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their engagement. We wish you a lifetime of joy and happiness together.

10K 93K 924K
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Barack Obama


Here’s to a happy, healthy, and hopeful 2020. Happy New Year, everybody!

19K 116K 914K
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Barack Obama


“Low plastic stool, cheap but delicious noodles, cold Hanoi beer.” This is how I’ll remember Tony. He taught us about food — but more importantly, about its ability to bring us together. To make us a little less afraid of the unknown. We’ll miss him.

12K 200K 911K
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Barack Obama


Earlier this week, Michelle and I called our friend @KamalaHarris. We told her we think she’ll make a fantastic President of the United States, and that she has our full support. At this critical moment for our country, we’re going to do everything we can to make sure she wins in

38K 131K 935K97M
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Barack Obama


Shoot your shot.

17K 187K 908K
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Barack Obama


Happy Valentine’s Day, @michelleobama! Almost 28 years with you, but it always feels new.

13K 215K 881K
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Barack Obama


From the Obama family to yours, Merry Christmas!

28K 68K 857K
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Barack Obama


There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy. Although we don’t yet know exactly what happened, we should all be relieved that former President Trump wasn’t seriously hurt, and use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility and respect in our politics.

62K 95K 853K124M
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Barack Obama


Our hearts go out to those killed and wounded in Manchester. Americans will always stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of the UK.

9.3K 173K 818K
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Barack Obama


Today, the Supreme Court not only reversed nearly 50 years of precedent, it relegated the most intensely personal decision someone can make to the whims of politicians and ideologues—attacking the essential freedoms of millions of Americans.

37K 204K 822K
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Barack Obama


Happy Valentine’s Day to the three who never fail to make me smile. Your dazzling light makes everything brighter.

11K 43K 821K
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Barack Obama


Here’s my statement on today’s violence at the Capitol.

14K 154K 802K
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Barack Obama


I wrote out some thoughts on how to make this moment a real turning point to bring about real change––and pulled together some resources to help young activists sustain the momentum by channeling their energy into concrete action.

39K 238K 782K
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Barack Obama


Enjoy the holiday season with the ones you love. Michelle and I wish you a very Merry Christmas!

20K 79K 768K
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Barack Obama


Chadwick came to the White House to work with kids when he was playing Jackie Robinson. You could tell right away that he was blessed. To be young, gifted, and Black; to use that power to give them heroes to look up to; to do it all while in pain – what a use of his years.

3.8K 104K 744K
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Barack Obama


As millions of people across the country take to the streets and raise their voices in response to the killing of George Floyd and the ongoing problem of unequal justice, I’ve heard many ask how we can sustain momentum to bring about real change.

13K 142K 735K
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Barack Obama


To target hopeful young strivers who grew up here is wrong, because they’ve done nothing wrong. My statement:

27K 310K 727K
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Barack Obama


Our statement on the passing of Senator John McCain:

10K 157K 710K
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Barack Obama


We grieve for the Americans murdered in Pittsburgh. All of us have to fight the rise of anti-Semitism and hateful rhetoric against those who look, love, or pray differently. And we have to stop making it so easy for those who want to harm the innocent to get their hands on a gun.

17K 157K 692K
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Barack Obama


In 2018 people stepped up and showed up like never before. Keep it up in 2019. We’ve got a lot of work to do, and I’ll be right there with you. Happy New Year, everybody!

21K 93K 682K
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Barack Obama


Today our family lost a true friend and loyal companion. For more than a decade, Bo was a constant, gentle presence in our lives—happy to see us on our good days, our bad days, and everyday in between.

24K 61K 695K
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